
Family: Nasha is being held captive, coerced into saying she’s happy

Family of Aminath Nasha, 20, who ran away and married a Bangladeshi man alleges that the young woman was coerced into giving a false statement to Bangladeshi police saying she wasn’t being held captive, and was living a happy live with her husband.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maldives reported on Wednesday that the young woman had been summoned to a Bangladeshi police station on November 12, where, in the presence of a Maldivian embassy official, she said that she was happy with her husband.

“She said that she hadn’t faced any abuse and hadn’t been held captive. She said she living a happy life with her husband,” said Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

However, Nasha’s mother, who is currently in Bangladesh, reported to “Sun” this Thursday that she had traveled to Bangladesh to rescue her daughter and grandchild because Nasha had cried and told her over the phone that her husband’s family was beating her.

She said Nasha had been kept in a “chicken cage” when she went to see her, and had pled with her not to send her back to her husband’s family when she took Nasha with her to Dhaka.

“When Nasha was with me in Dhaka she cried and pled with me not to send her back to the foreigner and his family. She cried and told me that specifically. Now she’s saying something else. This is questionable,” said Nasha’s mother.

She said that Nasha was taken back by her husband by force. And that she did not believe her daughter’s statement that she was living a happy life.

“I came to Bangladesh because Nasha cried and pleaded with me,” said Nasha’s mother. “There aren’t letting me see her.”

She said that she wouldn’t stop until Nasha was safe with her.

Nasha had developed her relationship with her Bangladeshi husband while he had been working in Maldives.
