
Quran Center students stage protest

Students of Quran Center demonstrated against President of Quran Center, Ibrahim Rasheed Moosa, alleging that one of their exams was interrupted.

The protest this Thursday morning was staged by 40 diploma students on teaching Quran.

Students said they were protesting over one of their exams being interrupted without any reason being given, and over general mismanagement within the center in general.

They said Thursday, October 20 was to be the last day for the diploma students on teaching Quran, and were concerned the actions of the center, which was resulting in the students having to stay in the center for longer.

“We were suddenly interrupted as we were doing an exam this morning,” said one of the protesting students.

“Vice President [of Maldives] Jihad coming here as it happened was just a coincidence. We staged the protest to voice our concerns to him when he came here.”

A student who spoke to "Sun" said that when they had asked for a reason why the exam was interrupted, he had said they couldn't be any exam held there without his knowledge.

Quran Center was unavailable for comment regarding the situation.

The students are currently preparing a petition.
