
Ameen and Aslam

The report alleging that the government was changed through a coup, published by former Defence Minister and former National Security Advisor Ameen Faisal and former Housing Minister Mohamed Aslam, has been sent to the Prosecutor General (PG) and the Commission of National Inquiry (CNI).

Aslam said today that ‘The Coup by Police and Military’ report was submitted to PG because members of the Police and Military who conducted the coup continue to be employed.

“Several criminal activities were conducted during the coup on 7 February. The people who did this are still employed. We don’t see any legal action being taken against them. Whether the PG is aware of this or not, we feel that it is our responsibility to convey this information to him,” Aslam said.

And the report was sent to CNI because they got several facts wrong in their Timeline report, to assist the work of the newly reformed CNI.

The government has stated that the information in Ameen and Aslam’s report is untrue, and condemned this.

Meanwhile, a representative of former President Nasheed has been added to the CNI, formed by President Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik to investigate the transfer of power. The CNI will complete its work by 31 July.
