
Investigative report to be released 1 year after TMA seaplane fell down

Civil Aviation Authority has said that investigation into the Trans Maldivian Airways seaplane falling down into the ocean on July 2, 2015 was at its last stages.

The seaplane had fallen down two miles outside Lh. Kureddhoo Resort.

Civil Aviation Director, Air worthiness, Abdulla Mohamed spoke to “Sun” on Wednesday and said that the investigation was not yet complete, and that details of the investigation would be released on July.

Canada is providing assistance in the investigation.

The seaplane had made an emergency landing two miles outside Kureddhoo Resort. The resort’s speedboat had gone immediately to the site of the incident and rescued the passengers and crew members. The plan had sunk to the bottom of the ocean a few minutes after that.

There were 11 passengers and three crew members onboard the plane when the incident took place. Everyone was rescued and parts of the seaplane salvaged.
