
Umar orders for MoniCon order on 10 more individuals

Minister of Home Affairs, Umar Naseer ordered for Monitor and Control orders to be issued against 10 more individuals on Monday.

Ministry of Home Affairs has confirmed the decision to “Sun”.

MoniCon orders against 10 more individuals come after Umar appealed to gang leaders operating in the country to stop their criminal activities and turn to normal life.

Umar has said that the government was working on capturing all individuals involved in the latest string of gang violence in Male’ City, and issuing MoniCon orders against gang leaders.

High Court has already issued MoniCon orders against a number of individuals, whose repeated major criminal offenses are considered a threat to society.

12 individuals have been tagged so far in accordance with the order.

Anti-Terrorism Act, Article 60 states that violations of MoniCon order is a criminal offense. And prescribes a maximum sentence of 18 months in house arrest or jail.

Written requests to imprison anyone who violates the MoniCon order until investigation and trial is complete will be granted by court.

Mohamed Mafaz Hussein, 18, G. Sharaaz has already been sent to prison until the end his trial after he violated the MoniCon order against him.

Measures imposed under MoniCon order:

• Not being allowed out of home from 10 pm to 6 am.

• Not being allowed to travel out of Male’ without permission from Ministry of Home Affairs.

• Restricted from entering areas and places stated in the order.

• Restrictions to control financial transactions and property.

• Restrictions to control telecommunication.

• Being required to sign in at Police Station.

• Monitoring and controlling them by tagging electronic monitoring devices on their person and their residence, taking their photographs, taking photographs of places they visit and collecting samples such as their fingerprints.

A system has been established within Maldives Police Service to monitor and control the individuals. MPS says that their compliance with the MoniCon order will be checked day-to-day, and upon demand.
