Development Officer at the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), Yogesh Desai has said that starting next year; teams with certain conditions can play at the AFC Cup.
Speaking at a press conference at the FAM House today after meeting with the first division clubs, the Development Officer assigned to the South Asia region under the AFC League Development Program, Yogesh Desai said that the AFC would provide much assistance to the Clubs and Leagues of the Associations of the member countries.
He said that the biggest part of the program would be to review the licenses issued to the clubs and help bring the necessary changes to them.
Yogesh Desai said that the clubs competing in the AFC Cup would also be required to have the Club License from the AFC and the conditions that need to be met to acquire the license have been sent to the teams.
There are 17 conditions in the licensing and the AFC conducted an information session on the program yesterday to assist clubs acquire the license.
He said that the change was made to ensure the AFC certified qualities in the first division clubs while only two teams from the division is allowed per country.