
Police: Russian tourist with pistol was not arrested

Police has said that they did not arrest the Russian man with pistol who was stopped by Customs officers from Ibrahim Nasir International Airport while he was there to travel out of Maldives.

Police media official has said that they had not made any arrests in relation to the case.

Police have not released any further details regarding the case.

The pistol was spotted by Customs officers on January 28 while the Russian man was at INIA to travel out of the country after holiday.

He came to the country on January 14.

Commissioner General of Customs, Mohamed Junaid said that the pistol found was not the kind used to shoot at people, but the kind used for shooting as a sport.

“It wasn’t an original pistol. They may have brought it in, perhaps in a yacht, as it is permissible in their country. It’s not the kind of pistol used to shoot at people,” said Junaid.

Junaid said that the man had cooperated with authorities and handed over the pistol upon its discovery.
