
Dr. Ziyad: Someone has to bring Shaheed

Islamic Minster Dr. Ahmed Ziyad has said that a Judicial Court has to look into the former Foreign Minister, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed’s comment on resuming death sentence in the Maldives being the worst mistake the government could make.

Speaking DhiTV’s “Khabarutherein” (Inside News) program tonight, the Islamic Minister said that someone has to take the matter to court.

“Requesting an investigation, a group from the Maldivian people has to stand up, what Dr. Shaheed said, requesting an investigation regarding his tweet.” Islamic Minister Dr. Ahmed Ziyad said after saying that capital punishment reserved for murder in Islam cannot be challenged.

Dr. Ziyad said that saying such a thing as a Muslim raises questions about his faith. And when the case is presented at court, the court would decide what kind of man he is.
