
Theft from safe at Ooredoo head office

A safe has been broken into and robbed at the head of office of Ooredoo Maldives in Sunleet Building.

Police Media Official, Ismail Ali told Sun Media today that the break-in to a safe at the Ooredoo Financial Department on the seventh floor of the building was reported in the early hours of morning today. The thieves broke into the office after restraining the guard at the building.

Police said that it is yet unclear how much money was stolen from the safe. They said that according to Ooredoo, there wasn’t much money in it.

Senior Executive of Public Relations at Ooredoo Maldives, Noora Ibrahim Zahir told Sun Media today that their office was broken into this morning but it is yet unclear if anything was stolen.

“The Police are actively investigating the case.” Noora said.
