President Abdulla Yamin Abdul Gayoom condemned the attack on Mahfooz Saeed, who is part of the former President Mohamed Nasheed’s defense team.
Speaking at the closing ceremony of the convention on training PPM’s campaign leaders, President Yamin said that he condemns the attack on Mahfooz in strongest terms. And he said that he is very sad about it.
The President said that no one deserves to be hurt like that because of what he says or do. And such crimes must be stopped in the country.
“Killing someone on purpose, for the safety and security of the entire community, from the security angle of my Yes Campaign, I want to impose the death sentence.” President Yamin said.
While the President has said this, Home Minister Umar Naseer has also condemned that attack on Mahfooz and said that the perpetrators will be brought to justice.
Mahfooz Saeed was attacked on Maaveyo Magu near the store Vaadhee Fresh by people on a motorcycle.
Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) has said that he is now recovering after going through three hour surgery.