An Amendment Bill to the Constitution has been submitted to the parliament, to allow foreigners to own land in the Maldives.
The bill, submitted by Parliamentary Group Leader of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik, states that land ownership rights shall be issued to foreigners who make investments exceeding $1 billion in the Maldives, for projects specified in a law which must be approved by the parliament.
The bill states that land ownership in this regard shall be subject to several conditions, and the owner shall have the right to pass ownership to another person.
The State can only reclaim ownership of such lands following a court order, and after providing a fair compensation.
Presently, the Constitution states under Article 251: Prohibition of foreign ownership and foreign military purposes, (a), that no foreign party, shall own or be given ownership of any part of the territory of the Maldives.
The first reading of the Amendment Bill was presented to the parliament today.
Nihan said that the purpose of the amendment is to increase mega investments and establish an environment that ensures sustainable progress for those investors.
If passed, this would be the second amendment to the Constitution.