
PG asks Umar Naseer to complain in Concerned Authorities

Prosecutor General (PG) has asked Umar Naseer to submit the complain to the concerned authorities regarding his request at PG to file a lawsuit against the president for encouraging substance abuse. PG says that the case has to be investigated by the concerned authorities before filing the case in the court.

The letter sent by the Prosecutor General Ahmed Muizz to Umar Naseer says that without proper investigation the case cannot be filed in the court. He also told Umar Naseer that except in special situations, in general any case has to be filed in the court after investigations done by the institution for investigations according to judiciary regulations.

"If Umar Naseer believes that any body has commit a crime, then it is better to submit the matter to the concerning authorities," says the letter. PG has also asked Umar Naseer to re-submit the matter to PG with the proofs if the authority does not respond to the matter. PG has said that in that case, he will try to find a legal solution for that.

Umar Naseer has made allegations saying that President Nasheed has encouraged substance abuse.
