
A man arrested with drugs from a house in Male

Criminal Court has sentenced a man found in M. Woodpeckerge with illegal drugs to a life in prison with a MVR 100,000 fine.

Inash Abdulla was sentenced to life in prison after he was charged and convicted of trafficking cannabis.

The sentence from the court said the witness testimonies prove that illegal drugs were found in his bedroom when it was searched around 8:40 in the morning on 12 January 2014 under a court order.

It also said that a the investigation report proves that a total of 556.654 grams of cannabis was found in two rubber bands and four empty film canisters inside a cardboard box under a wardrobe in his room. And the two fingerprints taken from film canisters match those of Inash.

The sentence also ordered him to pay the fine within a month.
