
Criminal Court: All news media can attend the hearings except RaajjeTV

Criminal Court says that all media can attend the hearings at the courthouse except the two journalists of RaajjeTV who video recorded an alleged meeting between the Prosecutor General (PG) Muhthaaz Muhsin and judge Abdulla Baaree.

Four journalists have been banned from the hearings of the Criminal Court. The banned journalists are Mohamed Afzal of MBC, Misbaah Abbas of CNM, Muiz Ibrahim of Avas and Murushid Abdul Hakeem of Haveeru.

The Media Official of the Criminal Court, Ahmed Mohamed Manik said that the ban on those four journalists has been lifted and they can attend hearings at the criminal court. He said that the decision was made after the meeting with the President of the Broadcasting Commission, Mohamed Shaheeb today. Judge Abdulla Didi, who is in charge of the Criminal Court, took part in the meeting.

“All journalists other than the two journalists who videoed can enter the hearings of this court.” The media official said.

The Broadcasting Commission said in the Medias that the criminal court has decided to lift the ban on all the journalists.

Regarding the matter, the Media official Ahmed Mohamed Manik said that the two RaajjeTV journalists cannot enter any hearings. When asked if another journalist of RaajjeTV could enter, he said that all journalists other than those two can enter.
