
Program of presenting each Maldivian with a Mushaf inaugurated

Program of presenting a copy of Holy Quran or a Mushaf to every Maldivian has been inaugurated.

In the event held at Islamic Center this evening, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, Islamic Minister and Dr. Adhil Hassan Yoosuf, President of Quran Care Society of Bahrain inaugurated the program under name “A Mushaf to every Maldivian” in collaboration with Quran Care Society of Bahrain.

While the program “A Mushaf to every Maldivian” has been inaugurated in Maldives this evening, the same program has been inaugurated this evening at Bahrain as well.

Photo caption: In the event held at Islamic Center this evening – Sun photo: Yoosuf Sofwan

Addressing in the event after inauguration of the program, Minister Shaheem said that efforts were being put to publish these Masahif in Yaameen’s government, hence they were trying to issue the Masahif on 26 July 2015.

Apart from this, Minister also said that door is open for those who want to sponsor for printing and those who wish to assist in the program.
