
Education Minister: No student should leave distressed after ten years of education

Minister of Education Dr Aishath Shiham said that no student, after ten years of education should leave the school distressed.

Speaking in the closing ceremony of the orientation program conducted for principals of all schools of Maldives held at Maldives Polytechnic today, Education Minister said that a road to a brighter future must be shown to the students rather than making them distressed when they leave the school after completion of their studies. Minister added that it was the sector’s responsibility to develop the talent in every student and to try to provide better future for them.

Minister of Education said that by the end of the orientation program for all the principals in the country, the extent to which principals need training to manage their schools has been identified.

In that regard, Minister said that providing heads of school trainings that were required to fulfil their responsibilities was something, which was needed, and these types of training programs would be conducted next year as well.

Around 212 principals from all schools of Maldives have been trained under the orientation program conducted with heads different departments of Ministry of Education in order to strengthen management of schools.
