Home Minister Umar Naseer said that it has been decided to fix an electronic system at prisons to detect if mobile phones are being used in prisons.
At the press conference held today, Minister Umar said that it was announced by the Ministry to find a party that can establish such a system three months ago. However, he said that it has been decided to publish the announcement for a second time because the parties who showed interest to carry out this project, were not eligible.
Home Minister said that the system would be established next year and as soon as the system is established, it would immediately detect if anyone uses mobile phones in prison cells so that the Prison Officers could be able to remove mobile phones from criminals in prisons then and there itself.
Providing information at the press conference, Minister Umar said that because no such system has been established so far, the only technique used now was frisking people for mobile phones, and it was difficult to use this method as some people try to hide mobile phone in areas close to their private parts.