
Dr Waheed: Small Island States should more aptly be called Large Ocean States

Speaking at the high-level event “Healthy Oceans & Seas: Paving the Way Towards a Sustainable Development Goal”, former President Dr Mohamed Waheed has said that Small States should more aptly called “Large Ocean States”.

The former President is attending the 69thSession of the UN General Assembly as Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Maldives.

At the event, Dr Waheed briefed the audience on the work undertaken by the Maldives in the preservation of the oceans and seas. He highlighted Maldives' sustainable method of pole and line fishing as a tradition that has been maintained for time immemorial.

He also commended the leadership of the small island states in its advocacy towards the finalization of a stand alone goal on oceans and seas under the Sustainable Development Goals within the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
