
MP Nasheed appointed by SEZ Board to give legal advice, establish regulations

Kulhudhuffushi-South MP Mohamed Nasheed has been appointed by the Board established under the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Act, to provide legal advice to the board and establish the regulations required by the SEZ Act.

Spokesperson for the President’s Office Ibrahim Muaz Ali told Sun Online that Nasheed was appointed for this task with unanimous support from all members present at the first meeting of the SEZ Board held today.

He said that Nasheed has accepted the task, and will provide this service free of charge.

The five-member SEZ Board, established under the SEZ Act and also called the Board of Investment, consists of Chairman Minister of Tourism Ahmed Adheeb, Vice Chairman Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed, Minister of Fisheries Dr Mohamed Shainee, Minister of Environment Thorig Ibrahim, and Minister of Youth Mohamed Maleeh Jamal.
