The State Trading Organization (STO) plans to open a fuel station in Hulhumale’ in 2015, STO and the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) have revealed today.
HDC Chairman Hassan Ziyath said today that the establishment of a fuel station owned by STO has been discussed with the public limited company and that a plot of land has been allocated for the project in Hulhumle’.
“A plot has been decided near the bus station. The area will have a local market, a main bus spot and a fuel station,” said Ziyath.
The concept design for the fuel station has already been completed, and the plot allocated for the project will be handed over to STO sometime next year, said the HDC Chairman.
Adam Azim, Managing Director of STO said construction of the station will be completed from six months of commission a party for the project. He added that the price of fuel available from the Hulhumale' station will be maintained at the same level as the price in Male’.
The island of Hulhumale' - a landmass reclaimed and developed by the government to meet the developmental demands and relieve congestion in the capital - currently has a single fuel station run by a private company.