
Thundi protesters gather near Fenaka office over broken sewerage system

A group of protesters has gathered near Fenaka Corporation office in Thundi, Laamu Gan, calling on the company to fix the leakage of sewage onto the island’s streets.

A man from Thundi said today that a group from the island’s new settlement has been protesting near Fenaka office since 8:00 a.m. today.

The protesters are frustrated over the company’s effort to lay electricity cables without solving the sewage issue. Sewage has been leaking to the island’s street for the past five months, a source from the island told Sun Online.

Police are present at scene of the protest, which is still ongoing. Protesters are calling for the resignation of Fenaka Corporation’s senior management.

Fenaka Corporation’s Laamu Atoll Regional Director Abdul Shukoor Abdul Rahman said today that protesters are unwilling to talk to the company, and that the company’s office will continue to function despite the protests.

“The protesters are obstructing people who want to enter and leave the office. They do not want to talk to us, to seek a solution the problem,” said Abdul Rahman.

The company has not been able to address the issue because the management of utilities for Gan, Thundi area was handed over to Fenaka Corporation during Eid al-Fitr holidays, which ended on Sunday last week, Abdul Rahman said.

He said that equipment needed to fix the sewerage system has to be brought from abroad, and that the company is trying to fix the problem before the end of the month, he said.
