
MVR 2.3 million collected for Gaza fund so far

Gaza fund Maldives initiative by Adhaalath Party to raise relief aid for the Muslims effected by Israeli aggression in Gaza has gained a total of MVR 2.3 million by Friday.

Adhaalath Party spokesperson Ali Zahir told Sun Online that they have collected MVR 2,322,647 and $8098 by Friday night. The fund gained MVR 642,049 on Friday alone.

The party has placed several fund collection boxes in public areas around Male’. Dollar and Rufiyaa accounts have also been set-up in Bank of Maldives (BML) and Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) to facilitate the fund collection effort.

The initiative was announce on 17 July and will continue for one month. Qatar Red Crescent has agreed to deliver the funds to the people of Gaza in the form of food and medical equipment.
