Four crew members of the Iranian vessel that was rescued by Maldives Police Service about a month ago, have swum to Madifushi in Thaa Atoll yesterday after they ran out of food.
The vessel was rescued by the police on 6 June 2014 after it had been adrift for two months. It is docked near Madifushi, but prohibited from entering Madifushi harbour.
According to Madifushi Council, the crew have been told by the police that they are not allowed to go ashore on Madifushi.
President of Madifushi Council Ahmed Naseem told Sun Online today that four crew members swam to the island yesterday and asked for help, and said that the police was not providing them enough food.
Naseem said that the council and the people of the island have provided a pick-up load of food to the vessel, including rice, sugar, flour, bread, watermelon, and tuna cans.
“They are Muslims, but they said that they haven’t been fasting because they don’t have enough to eat. With the food provided by the council, they said they will fast from now on,” said Naseem.
Police have denied the claim by Madifushi Council that enough food has not been provided to the Iranian vessel, which is under police supervision. They said that food is being provided as required without fail.