
Trials will continue in spite of Deputy PG

Chief Judge of Criminal Court Abdulla Mohamed has said that the court will continue to hold trials in spite of the resignation of Deputy Prosecutor General (PG) Hussain Shameem, until instructed otherwise by Supreme Court.

“Criminal Court will act as instructed by Supreme Court,” said Judge Abdulla Mohamed.

With the resignation of Deputy PG Shameem earlier today, both the posts of Prosecutor General and Deputy Prosecutor General are now vacant.

The law states that the Deputy Prosecutor General shall assume the responsibilities of the Prosecutor General in the event that the post of the Prosecutor General becomes vacant. It does not however prescribe the procedure to follow in the event that both these posts become vacant.

Article 7 of the Prosecutor General’s Act states that a new Deputy Prosecutor General must be appointed, by the Prosecutor General, within 30 days of the post becoming vacant.

Legal experts have said that the Maldives’ justice system has come to a halt as there is no person in charge of the PG Office. Questions have also been raised about PG Office attorneys attending court proceedings.

A PG Office attorney told Sun Online that they will now follow instructions given by the courts, as the law is silent on how to act in this situation.
