
MDP primary: voting to be held in Male'

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has decided to hold voting for its parliamentary primary elections, for all constituencies including the atolls, in the capital Male'.

The party's national council met today following attempts to hold voting for 6 constituencies yesterday, some of which were brought to a halted over complaints of irregularities regarding the voters' lists.

The national council decided that voting will beheld for selected constituencies from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., in Male' today.

MDP office said the nation council has made a decision to continue voting for the 13 constituencies in Male' as scheduled, but said the council could not reach a decision today regarding voting in the atolls.

Aminath Shauna, member of MDP's advisory committee said the preliminary results for all constituency will announced together.
