Government has decided to extend the lease period of some uninhabited islands and lagoons, granted for agricultural and fisheries related industry, to a maximum of 21 years.
Speaking to the press at Velaanaage today, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Dr Mohamed Shainee said that the extension will be subject to a criteria decided by the government.
“Lagoons, reefs and uninhabited islands granted for fisheries and agriculture, of which the lease period is near to expiry. After reflecting on the investment they’ve made and also depending on certain other criteria, we have decided to extend [the lease period] under the prerogative granted to the Minister under Article 11 of the Agriculture Act ,” Minister Shainee said.
He said the Ministry’s criteria will be decided after a meeting with the owners of the islands to be held today.
"We have already set the main criteria, one of which is that the lagoon or island must have had the appropriate amount of work agreed in the work plan and agreement. Also, 85 percent of the lease period must have passed,” the Minister said.
He said the decision is part of the government’s plan to expand opportunities for investment and to encourage those parties that carry productive investments on government leased islands.
Fisheries Minister also said the lease fee will be reviewed to fit current standards.