President of Jumhooree Party Gasim Ibrahim has said that even though Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) claims to be democratic, they cannot accept democracy.
Referring to MDP trying to hinder a ceremony held by Jumhooree Party in K. Kaashidhoo by playing loud music, Gasim said that although the music was playing, it ‘could not be heard’.
Gasim said that members of Jumhooree Party know the meaning of democracy, and cited Nasheed’s recent visit to Kaashidhoo where no one tried to hinder the ceremony held by MDP, as an example of this.
“I want to say to MDP - the people who tried to teach us democracy, that what you see here today is real democracy! Even recently, MDP visited this island and held a ceremony, but the people of this island did not protest against that. Now we’re seeing the difference between the people who can accept democracy and those who can’t,” Gasim said. Loud music played by MDP could be heard from outside the hall while Jumhooree Party held the meeting.
Gasim said that Nasheed left the country bankrupt when he stepped down as President, and that people must now work extremely hard to regain the wealth.
“He promised 10,000 flats, foundations weren’t laid for even 2,000 of those, where are those promised flats? Three years of their rule and nothing has been achieved. When they realised that the people of Maldives will chase them down, they sold the country and stepped aside!” Gasim said.