The Jumhooree Party (JP) has said that they have not been allowed access by the Elections Commission (EC) to view the voters’ list, according to the ruling issued by the High Court in relation to this matter.
This remark came from Maaz Ahmed Saleem today, after he attended the commission on behalf of JP to view the voters’ list.
“The Elections Commission has not allowed us to view the voters’ list according to the High Court order. We were told that we cannot note down any information from the list. We were not allowed to touch the list. They said that they will check names and other information as requested by us. We’re not interested in checking the voters’ list in this manner. It’s not acceptable,” he said.
Saleem said that JP received a letter from EC last night, requesting to provide the names of two representatives who would attend the commission to view the voters’ list.
He said that JP informed EC that it would not be possible for two people to go through the voters’ list, and sent the names of a 25-member team that would attend the commission to carry out this task.
Saleem said that this request was denied by the commission.
He said that it would be impossible for two people to go through the list, which contains information on thousands of people, within a short period of time.
Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Elections Commission Asim Abdul Sattar said that JP has been allowed to view the voters’ list following the High Court ruling, in line with the commission’s procedures.
Members of President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s Gaumee Itthihad Party, Ilyas Hussain and Ahmed Thaufeeg, were also present at the Elections Commission when JP’s representatives arrived to view the voters’ list.