
MDP protests continues for a second day

16:15 - MDP mass protest planed for today has commenced at Tsunami monument area.

16:20 - The opening speech is being given by Ibrahim Rasheed ( Hoara Ibbe).

17:00 - It has been announced that MDP has taken the whole "Dharubaaruge" (the largest convention center in Male') for the purposes of the protest.

17:05 - Hoarafushi MP Ahmed Rasheed, who is currently giving a speech says that it is necessary to hold early presidential election.

17:30 - "Hoara" Ibbe has called all the protesters to go to the mosques for prayers and has urged them to come join the protest afterwards.

18:00 - Police statement: Maldives Police Service advises one and all not take any confrontational action against the MDP protest. MDP has assured the Maldives Police Service that the protest is a peaceful protest and that the protest is being held in the designated area. Therefore, Maldives Police Service urges one and all to refrain from any confrontational action against the protest. All actions necessary to maintain peace will be taken. Police will be assisted by the Military to maintain the peace. The Service calls upon one and all to show their support to the police in maintaining peace and safety in the designated area.

18:10 - Thimarafushi Mustafa: Maldives media should broadcast this event live. The people of Maldives have gathered. We will leave when the government that has been snatched from us is returned to us. I am not asking for an election, I am demanding that the government is returned to us.

18:13 - Musthafa: Waheed should resign immediately, and we should go back to the rule of law. Azima is not an Attorney General. I repeat, do not go home until the government is returned to us. The alternative is that Waheed resigns. We want an election in June.

18:14 - Former President Nasheed is also sitting among the protesters.

18:18 - Sarangu Adam Manik at the protest: We thought that the December 23 protesters were a lot of people. They are now here with us. The people want independence. Dr Waheed cannot obstruct that. I am asking Waheed also to take a look at this. This cannot be stopped. If we are not given the opportunity to fulfill our hopes, we will not remain quiet.

18:21 - Sarangu Adam Manik, at the protest: There is no fear now. Don't commit crimes and blame it on us. What Waheed needs to do now is submit his resignation, and hold elections. If he has the confidence, he should hold elections now. We will stand behind the winner. We demand this illegitimate government to announce a date for elections.

18:22 - A message from Dr Farahanaz Faisal is being read at the protest.

18:25 - Ibrahim Ismail (Ibra): I was filled with rage on the day of the coup. Today we have Maldivian people gathered here. These are not just citizens of Male'.

18:28 - Ibrahim Ismail: People are protesting all over the Maldives. This is the power of the people. All the parties are participating in this. The only thing I have to say to Waheed and his followers is that they are all answerable for their actions, to the citizens of Maldives. You have shamed sincere police and military officers.

18:30 - Ibrahim Ismail: It has been announced that people should return to the protest after Maghrib prayers.

18:34 - The country comes before political activity. We will win this. I just want to way, Waheed, we will not stop this until a date is announced for elections.

18:35 - Ibrahim Ismail: Only people who can win people's votes should fight for presidency. They allege the former government of unlawful practices, but they cannot explain what those practices were.

18:37 - Alhan Fahmy: We are taking a break for Maghrib prayers. It's only for the prayers that we are interrupting the speeches. We will continue this protest. We can pray here as well. This is god's land, we will not go from here without finding a solution for this.

18:39 - Police media: Commissioner Riyaz has met with the commanders who are managing today's MDP protest. At the meeting held at Police Headquarters this afternoon, the CP requested Police to keep their actions professional.

20:12 - Home Minister Dr Jameel: I advise all political parties and Maldivian people to cooperate in restoring peace in the country. The government is determined to restore peace and order in the country. I call the people and political parties to cooperate with the government in achieving this.

20:29 - MP Musthafa: We have more than 25000 people in this protest, we will be eating and sleeping here. We want an independent election soon, until then we will continue this protest. I have no doubt that they will agree on this demand. They have now proposed a date even, but we want this election to be held during July or September. It is also our demand that they release all those people whom they have arrested following the incident of February 7th and 8th.

20:40 - Madaveli Dhaaira MP: We want an exact date for the election. This is a peaceful protest. We will continue this tomorrow and day after tomorrow even, until our demands are fulfilled.

20:46 - Madaveli Dhaaira MP: We will be back in power soon. We will need no help from the police.

20:55 - Noor Baan (Sister of Alhaan Fahmy): We are not here to fight, we need justice. We want a democratically elected government in Maldives and we want an election before the year 2013.

21:27 - Ali Waheed: "I want to let Hassan Saeed and Jaleel know that all their life they are at an appointed job. They will not be able to come to an elected job."

22:06 - Villa international high schools caption, Meekail criticized his schools Chairman, Gasim Ibrahim.

22:12 - Dhihdhoo Adam Naseer: We are here in Male' from our islands to find out when the election will be held, and we demand to give us a nearby date.

22:42 - Chancellor Dr. Musthafa Luthfy: Dr. Waheed should resign now, the chair he is sitting belongs to the people of the country.

23:01 - It has been announced that 1000 mats are to be provided to the protestors.

23:15 - MP Abdulla Abdul Raheem: On February 7th Maldives has lost their freedom. It was taken away by the Police and MNDF. We are not happy with the present government. Go for an election. No one will vote for you.

23:19 - MP Abdulla Abdul Raheem: When president Nasheed left his post, there was 257 million in the governments treasure. If we held an election, half a million votes are assured to president Nasheed. I am not fond of arresting the people, but Dr Waheed would be sent to jail. He would be known as "Jalu Waheed" after 6 months.

23:26 - The protestors have sat on the mats that were brought. Some people are behind the stage, some are in the park. And some have already slept at the protest.

23:30 - MP Abdulla Abdul Raheem: 35 Dhoani from Bodu Thiladhunmathi are on their way to join the protest. When they come the present government will not be able stay. So give us a date for election soon. On March 1st we will not let President Dr. Waheed to enter the People's Majlis.

23:35 - It has been Announced that, out of the 2000 volunteers from G.Dh Thinadhoo 500 people are ready to come to Male' to join the on going protest.

23:36 - Manadhoo Dhaairaa MP Mohamed Thoariq: Election should be held in 2 months. President of People's Majlis and Elections Commission should join together to held this even tomorrow. Dr. Waheed is not as courageous as President Nasheed.

23:58 - MDP president Dr Didi: MDP is this countries future. I am calling for an early election. Already we are getting green signal for an early election. I call out for a free Judiciary. We are the first party who did a democratic presidency in the country. I still believe that the countries president is President Nasheed, I do not believe that our government has failed.

00:13 - Former President Nasheed is addressing the protestors now.

00:15 - Former President Nasheed: We will not stop this protest tonight or tomorrow. People of the country wants an early election. They want to know the date and how it has been organized. I have strived to bring democracy in the country and worked to protect teh Human Rights of the country. Even now I am doing the same, and will always stand as one!

00:21 - Former President Nasheed: India's Foreign secretary have said that India supports the decision of an early election in our country. We did get many international pressure to support the present government, but we have clarified them the situation. Now they know that the government has changed not according to the law. Even the people in the country knows this well now.

00:29 - Former President Nasheed: There will be people who would not be able to stay at the Tsunami Monument area the whole of tonight. But I request you all, if you go home, to come back as early as possible tomorrow morning to join us in the protest. And the people who are staying back here, to stay calmly. My humble request for you all is not to have any sort of violence or a negative thing when staying back here during the night. I call out the Police also not to obstruct the people at the protest. Even I have to leave the protest now, as I have work to do. But by the time I come tomorrow, that time would be important. Even though I will not be here physically, you all should know that I am always with you.

00: 42 - Former President Nasheed: I want to let you all know that you Maldivians are very courageous. Democracy was brought by all our hard work. I am confident that the early election that we want would be held very soon. The date would be informed to us very soon. The day of the election will be held in accordance to your expectation.

00:46 - Former President Nasheed: On 7th February many MNDF officers requested me to give the permission to open the gun station, saying then they will be able to arrest the Police officers who were protesting that day. There are many things that need to be done specially the Judicial system needs to be free.

00:51 - Former President Nasheed: Countries peace cannot be maintained if the people are being attacked. We are working for an early election, and specially the people of the country expecting and early election will make it easier to happen soon. I assure to be by you side as long as you all are in this. I call out the people in the islands, to come even tomorrow and join us, we need Male' to be full of our protestors. My keen request to the Police also not to obstruct the people at the protest. And my request for the protestors are to maintain the joyful behavior when staying at this area.

01:01 - Vice president of MDP and MP Alhan Fahumy is addressing now. He has criticized the new vice president of the country Waheedhuhdhin.

01:09 - Alhan has stated that they can change the government by violence, but the government should be changed by vote. Their should be an election for the government to be changed. Even president Maumoon's 30 year's government was changed with an election. If we stay like this, our tolerance level will go to zero.

01:20 - Alhan stated that the Commander in Chiefs commands should be obeyed and negotiating with the commander in chief leads to a terrorist activity.

01:22 - The coup that was held on 7th February will be investigated stated MP Alhan. We have the power to send President Waheed home even tonight. But MDP has decided to stay in the protest. President Waheed will not be able to enter the People's Majlis. He has ended his speech.

03:20 - It has been announced that they are working to set up tents for tomorrow. Most people have left to home, while some are still at the protest area.

06:30 - As the morning arises, the protesters started with their work. MP Alhan who just spoke in the protest announced that president Nasheed would be arriving soon.

08:43 - In the name of "Insaaf ge dhathuru", a protest started by MDP yesterday with thousands of people at the Tsunami Monument area who were calling out for an early election as soon as possible last night has started second day at the protest. As many left the protest at midnight, many has now joined the protest including the leaders of MDP.

08:48 - MP Mariya Ahmed Didi has been addressing in the protest since morning. Former president Nasheed is also present at the point.

09:00 - At the protest that is been continued for a second day, Male' City Mayor Maizan Ali Manik (Maizan Alibe) is now speaking to the protesters. He calls him self as the Father of MDP people and the ones who are gathered for the protest are his children.
