Ministry of Tourism has set a deadline at Wednesday 20th of this month for resort owners who had failed to pay up island rent to pay at least 25% of fines levied on them for not duly paying the rent. The Ministry also decided to withhold resort operating licences of those who fail to pay the said amount out of the fines by Wednesday.
The Ministry had previously said that 20th of this month would be the deadline for paying all rent and fines, and that licences of any resort owners who fail to pay all the money outstanding would be confiscated.
However, yesterday’s decision by the Ministry has lightened the burden on resort operators by giving them respite, as they now have to pay only 25% of the fines by Wednesday and not the whole amount of rent plus fines.
“No money due to the government from resort operators would be written off, and the money due by Wednesday should be promptly paid, and failure to comply would result in withholding of licences”, read the statement issued by the Ministry.
The Ministry has extended the date for paying the full amount of rent and fines due for three months starting from 12th of this month. Ministry statement stated that the case of resorts that fail to pay up all the outstanding rent and fines within this period would be filed at the Ministry of Finance for “settling their cases”.
According to information received by Sun, some 10 resorts have outstanding rent and fines amounting to 20 million US Dollars, due to the government. Maldives Inland Revenue Authority has already decided to file lawsuits against 6 of these in order to get the money.