Secretary General of Gaumee Party and Minister of State for Economic Development Abdulla Ameen and President of the Guamee Party Youth Wing, Deputy Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Mohamed Maleeh Jamaal have been dismissed from their posts.
Both Ameen and Maleeh have confirmed to Sun that they have been dismissed.
Maleeh told Sun that he received a phone call from the President’s Office moments ago, informing him of his dismissal.
He said that threats such as removing one from their job will not shake the political beliefs of the youth today. He will remain in the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) in serving the country, he said.
Ameen told Sun: “President’s Office called a few moments ago and informed that I have been removed from my job.”
Both Ameen and Maleeh recently decided to leave Gaumee Party and join PPM. Gaumee Party asked President Dr. Mohamed Waheed to remove the two senior officials from their posts after they publicly opposed Gaumee Party joining President Waheed’s coalition.
Gaumee Party Leader Dr. Hassan Saeed said previously that his party will that Ameen and Maleeh be replaced as State and Deputy Ministers. Gaumee Party has proposed Ahmed Siraj to replace Ameen as the Minister of State for Economic Development. Ahmed Siraj recently completed a Master’s degree in business from a university in Australia and currently sits in the Privatization Board as the Head of Civil Service. The party has proposed Anil Adam, a lecturer at Maldives National University, as the Deputy Minister for Tourism.