Family of Shaan Ali, the Majeediyya School student who went into a coma after being hit in the head by a basketball, has stated that he is still in a coma and being kept on a ventilator.
Shaan’s uncle Azzam Latheef, who is currently in Colombo, told Sun tonight that 14 year old Shaan is still in a coma and that he is “breathing through a ventilator.”
Sun had earlier reported that Shaan had passed away based on reports by Majeediyya School, who had then provided information with reference to Shaan’s family.
Shaan’s brother Mohamed Sameer had earlier told Sun that Shaan was taken into surgery late last night, and that the blood haemorrhaged onto his brain was withdrawn. He is still in a coma, his brother said.
Shaan had to be transported to a hospital in Sri Lanka as Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGHM) did not have the means to treat him.
Shaan’s family said earlier that after the ball had hit Shaan on the nose, his friends had taken him to the hospital, and that he had passed out right before they could enter the hospital.
Notice: Sun reported Shaan Ali's death following confirmation from Shaan’s school. Since Shaan’s family has stated that he is still on life support, I would like to apologize from Shaan’s family and our readers. -- Editor